"Ms. She,
I am a student at the University of South Alabama in a EDM310. We are assigned a teacher to comment on for two weeks, and this week I was assigned to you! I enjoyed reading your blog post. That is amazing that Tatiana was able to figure out how to take your picture without you specifically teaching how to do it. That just goes to show you that you never know who is watching you, just like you have said in this post. I am very impressed with the students of this time period, and I know that technology in the students is advancing everyday! Again, I enjoyed reading your blog, and good luck to you in your teaching career."
First Summary
I commented on Jenny's Learning Environment Blog. On this blog, Jenny records her reflections, experiences, and anything that she finds interesting while doing her job. Her latest post was on Saturday, July 20, 2013. She titled this blog "You Got Snapped." In this post, Jenny said that she had been teaching her students how to use their class blog. She discussed how to be cyber smart, and showed the students how to comment on their friends posts. One of her students shouted out that she had been "snapped." Jenny asked the student what she meant, and she said that she had taken a picture of her teacher, Jenny. Jenny was so surprised that her student had figured that out on her own. The moral of this story is that Jenny showed her class how to do something, and the student went out of her way to find out more things with the technology she was introduced to. Jenny also talks about a few other incidents where the student went beyond the instructions to find out more about the technology that is available to them. I think that it is awesome that the students were able to go beyond the instructions and do things on their own. This shows you that you never know who is watching, and students are becoming smarter and smarter everyday in the technology world.
Second Comment
"Mrs. She,
I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. We are assigned a teacher to comment on a blog post, and I was assigned to you. I commented on your most recent post about being "snapped". I am required to comment on one more of your posts, so I chose this one too.
I think that is awesome that you have iPads in your classroom. I agree with your initial reaction. I think I would have reacted the same way. What an exciting time for your class to experience with such a meaningful piece of technology! I agree with the use of iPad apps for learning purposes as well. I believe that it really engages the student, and it helps them to learn on their own while working on an iPad. I think using it as a tool of discipline is also a great idea.
Overall, It looks like the use of iPads in your classroom is working well! I enjoyed reading your post, and good luck with all of your future endeavors."
Second Summary
On June 25, 2012, Mrs. She's classroom received iPads. My initial reaction to this would have been exactly like hers. I would have been excited to be chosen as the classroom to experience with this wonderful technological advance! I think iPads can be used in numerous ways in the classroom. If I had iPads in my classroom, I would definitely upload educational apps to review sight words and math problems, for example. I think it would also benefit the classroom to use the iPads as a discipline opportunity. For example, if a student is extra good one day, let him or her play on the iPad another time that day. If another student is not listening throughout the day, make it his or her punishment that they are not allowed to play on the iPad for the day. I think this could be a very beneficial discipline technique. Overall, I think the use of iPads in the classroom are a great way to engage the students to learn as individuals as well as with their peers.
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