Blog Assignment #15 Final Reflection from Savannah Price on Vimeo.
I am a student at the University of South Alabama, and I am majoring in Elementary Education. This is a blog for my EDM 310 class.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
C4K Summary for April
Sarah is in Miss Ouano's class in Pt. England School, in New Zealand. On Wednesday, April 2, Sarah posted a video to her blog titled, "My Own Music and Movie." In this video, she designed characters, created a background scenario, and used text to show what the girls in the movie were saying. One girl was being bullied by two other girls. When another girl saw this, she went over to the girl and asked her if she wanted to play. It made the girl happy that she had found a new friend. I am glad that Sarah did a video about bullying because things like this happen all the time in schools. If children are able to know how to deal with situations like this, they can become stronger and have more self confidence as they grow up.
On Wednesday, April 16, Emmanuel posted to his blog about the life cycle of a butterfly. He included a picture with words on a chart about the complete life cycle of the butterfly. The chart explained the life cycle very well, and I was impressed with the work Emmanuel and his team did on this project. Emmanuel also embedded a movie to his blog that was titled, "Life Cycle of a Butterfly". This video was created by Emmanuel and his team members. It looks like the team created their own pictures to use for this video about the butterfly life cycle. I enjoyed watching the video although it was kind of hard to understand Emmanuel speaking at times. It is really amazing to me that students are creating their own images and making them into a movie through YouTube or Vimeo. I think it is great that these students are learning at such a young age. When other children around the world see this video, they will be motivated to do this on their own if they have not already done so.
Sarah is in Miss Ouano's class in Pt. England School, in New Zealand. On Wednesday, April 2, Sarah posted a video to her blog titled, "My Own Music and Movie." In this video, she designed characters, created a background scenario, and used text to show what the girls in the movie were saying. One girl was being bullied by two other girls. When another girl saw this, she went over to the girl and asked her if she wanted to play. It made the girl happy that she had found a new friend. I am glad that Sarah did a video about bullying because things like this happen all the time in schools. If children are able to know how to deal with situations like this, they can become stronger and have more self confidence as they grow up.
On Wednesday, April 16, Emmanuel posted to his blog about the life cycle of a butterfly. He included a picture with words on a chart about the complete life cycle of the butterfly. The chart explained the life cycle very well, and I was impressed with the work Emmanuel and his team did on this project. Emmanuel also embedded a movie to his blog that was titled, "Life Cycle of a Butterfly". This video was created by Emmanuel and his team members. It looks like the team created their own pictures to use for this video about the butterfly life cycle. I enjoyed watching the video although it was kind of hard to understand Emmanuel speaking at times. It is really amazing to me that students are creating their own images and making them into a movie through YouTube or Vimeo. I think it is great that these students are learning at such a young age. When other children around the world see this video, they will be motivated to do this on their own if they have not already done so.
C4T Comments and Summaries #4
First Comment
First Summary
I really enjoyed reading Jeff Utecht's most recent blog post about baseball practice. I have a cousin that plays Major League Baseball, and I have been fortunate enough to attend some MLB games. There is definitely a rush felt when you walk into a MLB stadium. It is amazing to see the different types of people there from all over the country to support their favorite team. Mr. Utecht wrote this blog post on March 31, 2014. He was attending the spring training of all baseball athletes. While he was there, he said that it was neat to see the differences in the single A players versus the triple A. He also got to experience the spring training games with his mother, father, and wife who also have a love for the game. Jeff said that his father drilled him daily about baseball, and if they weren't talking about it, they were practicing. Baseball was his life, and what a great experience for Jeff Utecht to be able to go to MLB spring training with his father.
Second Comment
"Mr. Utecht,
My name is Savannah Price, and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. We are assigned a teacher blog to comment on every other week, and this week I was assigned to you!
I have never heard of Flipboard. I really enjoyed reading your post and learning about this technology tool. I believe that it is very useful in the classroom with its ease of sharing and the way that you can personalize your own Flipboards. I agree that textbooks are becoming obsolete, and eventually all books will be available as an e-book.
I’m glad that I had the chance to read your blog post, and I look forward to possibly teaching with Flipboards in my future as a teacher."
Second Summary
On March 25, Mr. Utecht posted to his blog about the use of Flipboards. I really enjoyed reading this post because I have never heard of Flipboards. He posted a video about them to his blog as well. What a neat concept. It is basically your own virtual magazine that you can create and share with peers, teachers, and anyone! I like how easy it is to share things, it can be installed on any device, has an easy layout, and you can connect with many different accounts. I also like the idea that teachers can have their own magazines and flip through the magazine on their device while sharing it with the class. Students are also able to create their own content and questions on Flipboard, and then share that information with the class. Flipboard really seems like a great teaching tool to use in the classroom as well as a great way to get every student involved in the topic at hand. I hope that I will be able to use an app like this in the future when I become a teacher.
"Mr. Jeff Utecht,
My name is Savannah Price, and I am a student in EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. In this class, we are assigned to a teacher’s blog to comment on every two weeks. This week, I was assigned to you!
Let me just start off by saying that I really like the layout of your blog site! You seem like you are a family man, as well as a great educational role model.
I really enjoyed this blog post. My cousin plays MLB, so I can definitely relate to the excitement felt when arriving at the baseball field. I’m sure that was a wonderful experience for you to be a part of spring training. I really enjoyed reading this post, and I look forward to reading and commenting on another post in the future.
Good luck to you and your career in the field of education!"
First Summary
I really enjoyed reading Jeff Utecht's most recent blog post about baseball practice. I have a cousin that plays Major League Baseball, and I have been fortunate enough to attend some MLB games. There is definitely a rush felt when you walk into a MLB stadium. It is amazing to see the different types of people there from all over the country to support their favorite team. Mr. Utecht wrote this blog post on March 31, 2014. He was attending the spring training of all baseball athletes. While he was there, he said that it was neat to see the differences in the single A players versus the triple A. He also got to experience the spring training games with his mother, father, and wife who also have a love for the game. Jeff said that his father drilled him daily about baseball, and if they weren't talking about it, they were practicing. Baseball was his life, and what a great experience for Jeff Utecht to be able to go to MLB spring training with his father.
Second Comment
"Mr. Utecht,
My name is Savannah Price, and I am a student in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. We are assigned a teacher blog to comment on every other week, and this week I was assigned to you!
I have never heard of Flipboard. I really enjoyed reading your post and learning about this technology tool. I believe that it is very useful in the classroom with its ease of sharing and the way that you can personalize your own Flipboards. I agree that textbooks are becoming obsolete, and eventually all books will be available as an e-book.
I’m glad that I had the chance to read your blog post, and I look forward to possibly teaching with Flipboards in my future as a teacher."
Second Summary
On March 25, Mr. Utecht posted to his blog about the use of Flipboards. I really enjoyed reading this post because I have never heard of Flipboards. He posted a video about them to his blog as well. What a neat concept. It is basically your own virtual magazine that you can create and share with peers, teachers, and anyone! I like how easy it is to share things, it can be installed on any device, has an easy layout, and you can connect with many different accounts. I also like the idea that teachers can have their own magazines and flip through the magazine on their device while sharing it with the class. Students are also able to create their own content and questions on Flipboard, and then share that information with the class. Flipboard really seems like a great teaching tool to use in the classroom as well as a great way to get every student involved in the topic at hand. I hope that I will be able to use an app like this in the future when I become a teacher.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Blog Assignment #13
Observe The Live Cam's at San Diego Zoo.
What do you see?
Do you think this is a good way to teach elementary students about different animals and their habitats?
Which elementary grade would benefit the most from live viewing and why?
How can you incorporate live cam viewing in the classroom, and how can you make this an enjoyable experience for the students?
**Use this link to get started exploring the apes, koalas, pandas, polar bears, elephants, and condor cams!
I really enjoyed watching the elephant cam. As I was watching this live cam, I watched the elephant walk, drink, eat, and play around his habitat. This is an awesome experience for those that are not able to actually go to the San Deigo Zoo. It is amazing to me that this video is placed in the elephant's habitat, and you can watch the elephant roam as long as you want to. I have actually visited the San Diego Zoo, and I did not know that they had live cam viewing available. It really becomes a personal experience as you watch these amazing animals in their habitats.
I believe this is a wonderful way to teach elementary students about different animals. As a teacher, I would spend a complete lesson on the development of these animals and their habitats. As I explored the website, I found that not only is there live viewing, but there is an elephant blog link and an elephant facts link. This is true for all of the live cams. This would be a neat project for the students to do collaboratively. I think kindergarten-4th grade would benefit the most from this project because children at the younger age seem to be most engaged in the actions of animals.
In the classroom, I can see live viewing being taught in multiple ways. At first, I would show the students how to access the site, and what there is available to explore on the site. I would then let them use the iPads or desktop computers to explore the site on their own. This would allow the students to discover different things about different animals. I think it would be beneficial to put the students in groups as well. In the group, the students can work together and each group would be assigned a different cam to view. I noticed that in some of the cams the animals are not very active, so, as a teacher, I may have to modify the project and some groups may have to watch the same animal live cam. While in groups, the students can write down three facts they observe and share them with the class. Each group of students could also search the blog and fact link about the animal. Depending on the grade, the groups could then create a Google Slide or PowerPoint presentation. Students could also share there knowledge of the animal by creating a video or book about the animal assigned to their group.
I believe the possibilities are endless with live cam viewing. This type of viewing really engages the student to be their own teacher. The students can also see that technology is all around our world today just by viewing the animals at the San Diego Zoo. Science, history, and technology are 3 subjects that can be incorporated into this one project. By watching these animals in their own habitats, the students can also compare and contrast the differences of each animal. Live cam viewing is a great way for students to learn about different animals, and I hope that this viewing will still be available when I become an elementary teacher.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Blog Assignment #12
What assistive technologies are available to you as a teacher?
As I watched "Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired Children," I believe that assitive technologies can enhance learning, remove barriers, push boundaries, give hope, and challenge the way we think. Imagine trying to learn in an environment that looks blurred or a classroom that is silent. For most of us it is hard to image. Many students have to deal with being blind, deaf, or both every day of their life. With assitive technologies, every student can feel confident in themselves. With text to speech devices, speech to text devices, sensory aids, note takers, screen magnifiers, iPhones, iPads, and talking calculators, every child with a vision or hearing disability will be able to perform the same educational functions as one who is not hearing or vision impaired. When teaching students who are vision and hearing impaired, the learning must be personal. Do you have what it takes to teach with assistive technologies?
I have never heard of the Mountbatten Assistive Technology for the Blind. This machine allows for the student to type braille while the machine produces the braille, and then, it vocally says what is being written in braille. This machine can save files, receive files, and send files. This machine can also mimic the braille that is being written and transform it into text for those teachers and students that do not know braille. This machine is a great tool to have in a classroom because it engages the blind student with the rest of the class. This way, the students do not feel left out of what is going on in the classroom. Like I said, I have never heard of this device, and I am not sure if it is available to students in Mobile or Baldwin County. If it isn't, it is definitely an educational tool that teachers should look into for their vision impaired students.
Professor Art Karshmer has developed a device for the visually impaired student to be able to perform math skills just like the sight students. Professor Karshmer has developed this system that allows the student to be able to add numbers by placing them above one another just like the sight students write them. It is very hard for a student to understand math by braille, so this device allows the students to put a numbered block in the correct space, and scan that block so they can hear the number that is on the block. I believe math is a hard subject for many students in general, and I think the visual impaired student will be able to understand math a whole lot better by using this device. Again, I do not know if this device is available in the Mobile and Baldwin County School systems, but if it is not, I believe it would be a great tool for teachers to look into for those with visual impairments.
In this video, "iPad Usage for the Blind,"Wesley Majarus is blind, and he talks about the use of iPads to help those students who are visually impaired. I know that Baldwin County has iPads for their students as well as some classrooms in the Mobile County School System. I know that iPads are available to teachers now, and when I become a teacher, I will definitely use them to their full advantage to help those students who are visually impaired. Mr. Majarus shows us that by using the voice over on setting of the iPad, you know exactly where you are and what you are doing. iBooks is another very important app for the blind. The iPad has endless opportunities for those that are blind, and I will take full advantage of the iPad when I become a teacher.
I plan on getting my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, and then advancing to get my Masters in in a program that works with students that have disabilities like the hearing and vision impaired, or those with learning disabilities such as ADHD. By watching these videos, it has made me more interested in working with students who have disabilities. When I get to that point in my career, I want to be able to supply these children with some of the devices I have learned about through watching these videos. It is absolutely amazing how students with visual or hearing disabilities can learn just as well as those that are not visually or hearing impaired. I hope to one day be able to make a difference in these students lives by becoming a personal teacher and mentor.
As I watched "Assistive Technologies for Vision and Hearing Impaired Children," I believe that assitive technologies can enhance learning, remove barriers, push boundaries, give hope, and challenge the way we think. Imagine trying to learn in an environment that looks blurred or a classroom that is silent. For most of us it is hard to image. Many students have to deal with being blind, deaf, or both every day of their life. With assitive technologies, every student can feel confident in themselves. With text to speech devices, speech to text devices, sensory aids, note takers, screen magnifiers, iPhones, iPads, and talking calculators, every child with a vision or hearing disability will be able to perform the same educational functions as one who is not hearing or vision impaired. When teaching students who are vision and hearing impaired, the learning must be personal. Do you have what it takes to teach with assistive technologies?
I have never heard of the Mountbatten Assistive Technology for the Blind. This machine allows for the student to type braille while the machine produces the braille, and then, it vocally says what is being written in braille. This machine can save files, receive files, and send files. This machine can also mimic the braille that is being written and transform it into text for those teachers and students that do not know braille. This machine is a great tool to have in a classroom because it engages the blind student with the rest of the class. This way, the students do not feel left out of what is going on in the classroom. Like I said, I have never heard of this device, and I am not sure if it is available to students in Mobile or Baldwin County. If it isn't, it is definitely an educational tool that teachers should look into for their vision impaired students.

In this video, "iPad Usage for the Blind,"Wesley Majarus is blind, and he talks about the use of iPads to help those students who are visually impaired. I know that Baldwin County has iPads for their students as well as some classrooms in the Mobile County School System. I know that iPads are available to teachers now, and when I become a teacher, I will definitely use them to their full advantage to help those students who are visually impaired. Mr. Majarus shows us that by using the voice over on setting of the iPad, you know exactly where you are and what you are doing. iBooks is another very important app for the blind. The iPad has endless opportunities for those that are blind, and I will take full advantage of the iPad when I become a teacher.
I plan on getting my Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education, and then advancing to get my Masters in in a program that works with students that have disabilities like the hearing and vision impaired, or those with learning disabilities such as ADHD. By watching these videos, it has made me more interested in working with students who have disabilities. When I get to that point in my career, I want to be able to supply these children with some of the devices I have learned about through watching these videos. It is absolutely amazing how students with visual or hearing disabilities can learn just as well as those that are not visually or hearing impaired. I hope to one day be able to make a difference in these students lives by becoming a personal teacher and mentor.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Blog Assignment #11
Collaborative Blog Assignment
Our collaborative blog post was inspired by the following videos.
Blended Learning Cycle
Making Thinking Visible
Sam Pane's Super Digital Citizen
Project Based Learning
Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program
Our collaborative blog post was inspired by the following videos.
Blended Learning Cycle
Making Thinking Visible
Sam Pane's Super Digital Citizen
Project Based Learning
Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
C4K Summary for March
On Friday, March 14, 2014, Efa-Lata posted her swimming story to her class blog called, "Little Voices, Little Scholars". It is amazing to me how the children in this class, in New Zealand, already know how to post a picture that they drew and a video to their blog. That is awesome that students are learning this at such a young age, and I have just now learned to do that this year. In Efa-Lata's video, she tells us what a day is like at her swimming lessons. She said that she splashes in the water, listens to the teacher, and blows bubbles. Efa-Lata seemed like she was excited to go to swimming lessons that day.
Anthony is a student who has been blogging for 4 years. He attends Pt. England School in New Zealand. On March 21, 2014, he posted about cyclones to his blog. He explains that a cyclone is sort of like a tornado. He woke up at 2am that weekend, and they watched the waves as the cyclone came through the city. I can not image watching waves bust through the city. Anthony said that there were also trees and rubbish everywhere. I guess this would be like when Katrina hit Mobile, or the Christmas tornado that came through midtown 2 years ago. I am also amazed that people actually still tried to surf the waves in a cyclone storm. Anthony did not seem to concerned about the cyclone. He said that it was not as bad as they made it out to be on the news which is a good thing.
Kris also attends Pt. England School in new Zealand. On Decemeber 5, 2013, Kris posted a Google slide presentation to his blog about stained glass windows. I like how he added his actual stained glass window design to his presentation. Kris detailed his presentation with a slide focusing on each of the following elements: a picture of his stained glass, number, geometry, and measurement. I think Kris did a good job developing this presentation, and I enjoyed learning about the different elements of stained glass.
On Friday, March 14, 2014, Efa-Lata posted her swimming story to her class blog called, "Little Voices, Little Scholars". It is amazing to me how the children in this class, in New Zealand, already know how to post a picture that they drew and a video to their blog. That is awesome that students are learning this at such a young age, and I have just now learned to do that this year. In Efa-Lata's video, she tells us what a day is like at her swimming lessons. She said that she splashes in the water, listens to the teacher, and blows bubbles. Efa-Lata seemed like she was excited to go to swimming lessons that day.
Anthony is a student who has been blogging for 4 years. He attends Pt. England School in New Zealand. On March 21, 2014, he posted about cyclones to his blog. He explains that a cyclone is sort of like a tornado. He woke up at 2am that weekend, and they watched the waves as the cyclone came through the city. I can not image watching waves bust through the city. Anthony said that there were also trees and rubbish everywhere. I guess this would be like when Katrina hit Mobile, or the Christmas tornado that came through midtown 2 years ago. I am also amazed that people actually still tried to surf the waves in a cyclone storm. Anthony did not seem to concerned about the cyclone. He said that it was not as bad as they made it out to be on the news which is a good thing.
Kris also attends Pt. England School in new Zealand. On Decemeber 5, 2013, Kris posted a Google slide presentation to his blog about stained glass windows. I like how he added his actual stained glass window design to his presentation. Kris detailed his presentation with a slide focusing on each of the following elements: a picture of his stained glass, number, geometry, and measurement. I think Kris did a good job developing this presentation, and I enjoyed learning about the different elements of stained glass.
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C4T Summaries and Comments #3
First Comment
"Ms. She,
I am a student at the University of South Alabama in a EDM310. We are assigned a teacher to comment on for two weeks, and this week I was assigned to you! I enjoyed reading your blog post. That is amazing that Tatiana was able to figure out how to take your picture without you specifically teaching how to do it. That just goes to show you that you never know who is watching you, just like you have said in this post. I am very impressed with the students of this time period, and I know that technology in the students is advancing everyday! Again, I enjoyed reading your blog, and good luck to you in your teaching career."
First Summary
I commented on Jenny's Learning Environment Blog. On this blog, Jenny records her reflections, experiences, and anything that she finds interesting while doing her job. Her latest post was on Saturday, July 20, 2013. She titled this blog "You Got Snapped." In this post, Jenny said that she had been teaching her students how to use their class blog. She discussed how to be cyber smart, and showed the students how to comment on their friends posts. One of her students shouted out that she had been "snapped." Jenny asked the student what she meant, and she said that she had taken a picture of her teacher, Jenny. Jenny was so surprised that her student had figured that out on her own. The moral of this story is that Jenny showed her class how to do something, and the student went out of her way to find out more things with the technology she was introduced to. Jenny also talks about a few other incidents where the student went beyond the instructions to find out more about the technology that is available to them. I think that it is awesome that the students were able to go beyond the instructions and do things on their own. This shows you that you never know who is watching, and students are becoming smarter and smarter everyday in the technology world.
Second Comment
"Mrs. She,
I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. We are assigned a teacher to comment on a blog post, and I was assigned to you. I commented on your most recent post about being "snapped". I am required to comment on one more of your posts, so I chose this one too.
I think that is awesome that you have iPads in your classroom. I agree with your initial reaction. I think I would have reacted the same way. What an exciting time for your class to experience with such a meaningful piece of technology! I agree with the use of iPad apps for learning purposes as well. I believe that it really engages the student, and it helps them to learn on their own while working on an iPad. I think using it as a tool of discipline is also a great idea.
Overall, It looks like the use of iPads in your classroom is working well! I enjoyed reading your post, and good luck with all of your future endeavors."
Second Summary
On June 25, 2012, Mrs. She's classroom received iPads. My initial reaction to this would have been exactly like hers. I would have been excited to be chosen as the classroom to experience with this wonderful technological advance! I think iPads can be used in numerous ways in the classroom. If I had iPads in my classroom, I would definitely upload educational apps to review sight words and math problems, for example. I think it would also benefit the classroom to use the iPads as a discipline opportunity. For example, if a student is extra good one day, let him or her play on the iPad another time that day. If another student is not listening throughout the day, make it his or her punishment that they are not allowed to play on the iPad for the day. I think this could be a very beneficial discipline technique. Overall, I think the use of iPads in the classroom are a great way to engage the students to learn as individuals as well as with their peers.
"Ms. She,
I am a student at the University of South Alabama in a EDM310. We are assigned a teacher to comment on for two weeks, and this week I was assigned to you! I enjoyed reading your blog post. That is amazing that Tatiana was able to figure out how to take your picture without you specifically teaching how to do it. That just goes to show you that you never know who is watching you, just like you have said in this post. I am very impressed with the students of this time period, and I know that technology in the students is advancing everyday! Again, I enjoyed reading your blog, and good luck to you in your teaching career."
First Summary
I commented on Jenny's Learning Environment Blog. On this blog, Jenny records her reflections, experiences, and anything that she finds interesting while doing her job. Her latest post was on Saturday, July 20, 2013. She titled this blog "You Got Snapped." In this post, Jenny said that she had been teaching her students how to use their class blog. She discussed how to be cyber smart, and showed the students how to comment on their friends posts. One of her students shouted out that she had been "snapped." Jenny asked the student what she meant, and she said that she had taken a picture of her teacher, Jenny. Jenny was so surprised that her student had figured that out on her own. The moral of this story is that Jenny showed her class how to do something, and the student went out of her way to find out more things with the technology she was introduced to. Jenny also talks about a few other incidents where the student went beyond the instructions to find out more about the technology that is available to them. I think that it is awesome that the students were able to go beyond the instructions and do things on their own. This shows you that you never know who is watching, and students are becoming smarter and smarter everyday in the technology world.
Second Comment
"Mrs. She,
I am student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. We are assigned a teacher to comment on a blog post, and I was assigned to you. I commented on your most recent post about being "snapped". I am required to comment on one more of your posts, so I chose this one too.
I think that is awesome that you have iPads in your classroom. I agree with your initial reaction. I think I would have reacted the same way. What an exciting time for your class to experience with such a meaningful piece of technology! I agree with the use of iPad apps for learning purposes as well. I believe that it really engages the student, and it helps them to learn on their own while working on an iPad. I think using it as a tool of discipline is also a great idea.
Overall, It looks like the use of iPads in your classroom is working well! I enjoyed reading your post, and good luck with all of your future endeavors."
Second Summary
On June 25, 2012, Mrs. She's classroom received iPads. My initial reaction to this would have been exactly like hers. I would have been excited to be chosen as the classroom to experience with this wonderful technological advance! I think iPads can be used in numerous ways in the classroom. If I had iPads in my classroom, I would definitely upload educational apps to review sight words and math problems, for example. I think it would also benefit the classroom to use the iPads as a discipline opportunity. For example, if a student is extra good one day, let him or her play on the iPad another time that day. If another student is not listening throughout the day, make it his or her punishment that they are not allowed to play on the iPad for the day. I think this could be a very beneficial discipline technique. Overall, I think the use of iPads in the classroom are a great way to engage the students to learn as individuals as well as with their peers.
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